4 Better ZYPPAH Alternatives
Our team of experts tested over 40 snoring-prevention products, and gathered 100,000+ customer reviews to recommend the below products. They differ in approach & pricing, but are all:
✅ Effective at Snoring prevention, ✅ FDA Approved & Safe to use, ✅ Provide 100% Satisfaction Guarantees, ✅ Have Great Customer Satisfaction Scores.
While our tests showed that Mouthpieces are super effective, we found 4 better ZYPPAH alternatives to consider:
4 Best Stop Snoring mouthpieces:
Full reviews of better Zyppah alternatives:
The team behind the ZQuiet® device, after having examined thousands of snorers, realized that most people only require a minor adjustment to solve their snoring issues. They developed what we call the “Perfect” product, since it is likely to fit pretty much everyone.
There are very few people who would eventually require any dental/surgical intervention, which makes this product adjustable and effective for the vast majority of snorers. This simple mouthpiece (in fact, two are provided – one with stronger adjustment), keeps your throat’s airway wide open, which will make your snoring stop immediately.
Wearing a mouthpiece during the night isn’t suitable for everyone, but this device is so comfy and minimal, that once you fall asleep you won’t feel it. Scientifically crafted and designed to fit and adjust everyone, this general solution is helpful to all snorers out there.
For those who are looking to try something simple, effective and affordable – the ZQuiet mouthpiece is exactly what you’re looking for.
The Good Morning Snore Solution® is the tiniest of all mouthpiece devices, designed first and foremost to be unnoticeable when wearing during your sleep. An FDA approved product co-developed by doctors, it is famous for delivering a fast turnaround.
Many sleep experts and clinics recommend Good Morning’s solution across the US, so that should also keep you sleeping well at night.
Unlike most mouth guards that work by targeting the jaw placement, GMSS aims to keep your tongue from reaching down to the back of your throat, helping to keep an open airway, which should help diminish your snoring.
It’s not as efficient as ZQuiet, nor is it cheap as Vital Sleep, but it’s the smallest one which you’re most likely not to notice. So if you’re looking for a low profile anti-snoring mouthpiece that’s least intrusive, then this should definitely be your pick.
Looking at various solutions, we’ve found Vital Sleep is a good product overall, which comes at a relatively cheap price. Using a patented Accu-Adjust system developed by their research team, this mouthpiece makes snoring disappear as it smoothly lowers your jaw’s position, allowing you to breathe comfortably all night.
They offer two different adjustable sizes for men and women, and are constantly growing their customer base every year, trending across snoring experts and doctors, getting praised from every direction.
More than 200,000 snorers have had their lives and nights completely changed, making those loud and sleepless nights become quiet and relaxed. The VitalSleep mouth guard doesn’t compromise your sleep as it fits in your mouth in a way it’s almost unnoticeable, and it comes in two sizes – for men and women.
The best part? It’s affordable and makes for a great bargain. Going for a 1 year warranty and 60-day money back guarantee, you simply cannot lose anything with the product and deal, and we’d recommend it to those with a more limited budget interested in a great value-for-money type of deal.
Highly popular in Canada and US, the Airsnore product can be purchased as a bundle, or what they refer to as the “Combo”. The combo includes their mouthpiece and the AirSnore drops, for only $71.95. Each can also be purchased separately and if you have to choose only one – we recommend to definitely own the mouthpiece as the drops can only assist but not help independently.
Their mouthpiece is basically designed to hold your lower jaw forward, similarly to other products on the markets – and just as good – and thus to prevent snoring throughout your sleep.
Before using it for the first time, let it stand in hot water for a few minutes, then following the instructions provided, place it inside your mouth and bite down on it while it cools and moulds itself to the inside of your mouth to reach an exact fit.
As mentioned, AirSnore also offers Airsnore drops, used for clearing up blocked noses to make breathing easier as an assisting approach to using the mouthpiece. We found that when you have a bit of a cough, cold, sinus or chest infection – using the drops can help clear your airways much faster.
The Drops contain a special blend of natural oils for their soothing and antiseptic properties. You’ll need to rub the AirSnore™ Drops on your chest, neck and under your nostrils before going to bed and then insert the mouthpiece as well, and off you go to a perfectly good night’s sleep..
Still not Sure Which Zyppah alternative is Best For You?
Read our snoring solution comparison and reviews:
ZQuiet Review
Good Morning Snore Solution Review
SleepTight Mouthpiece Review
AirSnore Review
Top Ranking
Top Reviews
Good Morning Snore Solution
SleepTight Mouthpiece
Top Videos
Our advisors have thoroughly tested over 40 anti-snoring products, and gathered over 100,000 customer reviews. This website features our top recommendations, with products offering various approaches to solving snoring issues, at a range of prices. All products are:
- Effective at Snoring prevention
- FDA Approved & Safe to use
- Provide 100% Satisfaction Guarantees
- Have Great Customer Satisfaction Scores